Pokewars Episode 2: Attack of the Giovanni

Leaf was flying on her Spearow all the way to Lavender Town to meet her friends. Once she landed there, a large explosion happened and killed almost everybody there. Aside from Leaf and Brock who was still her protector.
While that was happening, Gary and N were going up the elevator of Silph Co to meet with Leaf after the report of an explosion and they wanted to make sure she was okay. "You like her don't you?" Gary asked N in a jokingly manner.
"I'm just scared. I haven't seen her in ten years." N told Gary and the elevator clicked open and they saw Brendan running up to them.
"MESA BACK!111" Brendan said really excited as Gary gave N the can I kill him look.
A couple minutes later, Leaf met up with them and told them what happened. "It was like they were waiting until I showed up to set off the explosion. If I was a retard like N, then I would be thinking that those were fire works."
Their meeting was over and Leaf decided to go to bed as Brendan talked with N again. "Mesa bustin with happiness seeing yousa again."
"Why do you speak like that?" N asked Brendan and Brendan just had a confused look on his face.
Later that night, N talked with Gary. "I just don't know how to feel about seeing her again. I want to bang her."
"Okay I didn't need to know the last part you freak." Gary told N and then there was a loud noise from Leaf's room. She was screaming in horror over what N had told Gary.
When Gary and N ran into Leaf's room Leaf was screaming at N to go away. But then Wallace showed up and was about to kill them when he got shot in the neck and died himself.
The next day N and Gary were asking the elite four about what they should do with the attempts to kill Leaf.
"Okay N you stay with Leaf and Gary goes and try to find the person who killed Wallace." Lance said totally uninterested in the whole thing. He was too busy playing Angry Birds and thinking about how he could get out of the lightsaber scene at the end of the movie.
So Gary and N went on two different sides of the galaxy. Where Gary was, he found a planet that was always raining. Once he was there, he found Byron.
"Did you kill Wallace?" Gary asked and Byron nodded.
"I fucking hated him." Byron said and he let Gary inside. Byron led him to his mini living space.
"This is my son Roark. Nobody knows who the mother is. My helpers are making a clone army. We are making thousands of replicas of the same pokemon to get better results." Byron said as Roark was talking about how great mining was.
"What is the pokemon?" Gary asked a tad interested.
"Kakunas." Byron answered and Gary gave Byron a disappointed look.
"Really?" Gary asked and later that night, Byron and Roark were leaving to go meet with Count Giovanni. As they were leaving, Gary had a small fight with Byron to prevent him from leaving. Eventually though, Roark and Byron left on a Staraptor.
"Pidgeot, come here!" Gary commanded and went on Pidgeot and started pursing Byron and Roark until they reached a dessert like area in which he found a group of baddies having a meeting. The meeting was being led by Count Giovanni.
One of Count Giovanni's pokemon noticed Gary and locked him up. While he was in prison Count Giovanni came to talk to him.
"Ash told me so much about you." Count Giovanni told Gary and that caused Gary to be even more confused.
"You knew Ash? I thought you guys only met like once in the show." Gary was nearly ready to give up on this world.
"Shut up I will taze you now." Count Giovanni tazed Gary and he passed out.
Meanwhile, on Pewter City, N was trying to seduce Leaf. "Can you have sex with me?"
"No please stop. You're being really creepy. I really want you to stop." Leaf pushed N away when he was scooting closer to her.
"We were destined to be." N begged and she stood up and ran out of the room. About ten minutes later, she came back in the room with a bright red face.
"Will you shut up if I kiss you?" She asked as if she was ready to shot N. He nodded really excited and they had the worst kiss in cinematic history. The whole time N was trying to do the tongue thing while Leaf was trying to get away from him.
They had sex for some reason. N forgot protection lol now Leaf is going to have babies lol.
That night, N had a dream where his mom died. So he looked it up online and found out she died one week after he left her. "Whatever." N said and then found a news report of Gary being kidnapped.
"Oh no! I need to find him!" N nearly pissed himself in terror and called Zekrom. As he was about to leave Leaf jumped on Zekrom's back to make sure N didn't fuck up.
A week later everybody was tired up in a arena. All of a sudden every gym leader on Kanto and Jhoto came in to help them against the horde of Dragonite's they had to face.
While the battle was happening, Lt. Surge cut Byron's head off and Roark nearly cried his eyes out. Gary and N went after Count Giovanni on a jet plane. When they found Count Giovanni Gary decided to ditch the place while Count Giovanni cut N's arm off. "That's what you get for being a shit pants."
Lance ran in the room and forced Count Giovanni into the wall and teleported him, Gary and N out of the place.
Later, Gary and Lance were talking about the battle. "We really didn't do anything." Gary said as both him and Lance laughed over that fact.
"The random title inserted here wars has now started." Lance said spitting out the Root Beer he drank as he was laughing so hard. "Imagine if that was true."
Count Giovanni and Ghetsis met with each other. "Yeah, I think I finally taught some humility to N by cutting off his arm."
"Thank jesus." Ghetsis had a little party in his head.
While N was getting his arm replaced, Leaf took a pregnancy test. It was positive and she screamed. "Oh my god!"
The End
Gary as Obi Won
N as Anakin
Leaf as Padmade
Brock as Padmade's guard
Byron as Jango Fett
Roark as Boba Fett
Giovanni as Count Dooku
Ghetsis as Darth Sidious / Palpatine
Lt. Surge as Mace Windu
Lance as Yoda
and Brendan as Jar Jar